Szefernaker: Just as we were gradually introducing restrictions, we will gradually move on to this "new normality"
Just as we were gradually introducing restrictions, we will probably gradually move on to this „new normality”, which the Prime Minister is talking about — says Paweł Szefernaker , Deputy Minister of…
Tribute to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Fighters from the Jewish Combat Organization (ŻOB) and the Jewish Military Union (ŻZW) carried out armed resistance against the German troops that were liquidating the ghetto.
Coronavirus balance in Poland - over 10 thousand infected
Deaths were reported in Poznań, Gdańsk, Bolesławiec, Wałbrzych, Wrocław, Zgierz, Bełchatów, Grudziądz, Warsaw, Kraków, Tychy, Racibórz and Radom.
Andrzej Duda with a record-high score; fierce fight for the second place. The turnout is growing
According to the Social Changes survey commissioned by wPolityce.pl, if the presidential election were held this Sunday, Andrzej Duda would win it in the first round, gaining record support in the history…
Virtual commemoration of mass murder victims. President Andrzej Duda: "We Poles will always remember Katyń"
Within six weeks, 14 587 prisoners of war were shot. About 7,300 Poles detained in prisons in the pre-war eastern provinces of the Republic of Poland were also murdered.
251 people are dead. 7049 people in Poland suffer from COVID-19
So far 129,560 thousand tests for the presence of coronavirus have been conducted in Poland, over 11,2 thousand of them were done during the last day, according to the Ministry of Health on Saturday.
The Martian View of Europe, liberalism, Hungary. "Why Hungary? Basically, because it was convenient"
Policies were not adjusted, space was not made for the demands of the liberals, and the strategies of the Fidesz government were pursued as if the liberal castigation was not happening.
REPORT. The number of people infected with coronavirus is increasing in Poland. Ministry of Health: 14 people dead, 1163 sick
Over 2.5 thousand tests were performed during the day. 1163 people are currently hospitalized for the coronavirus; and 55301 are under quarantine - informed the Ministry of Health. Tłum. K..
Another five people died. There are some new cases of the infection; a total figure of 3834. 84 people are dead and 134 recovered
The Ministry of Health informed on Sunday morning that the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Poland increased to 3834 after 207 new cases were confirmed.
Record-high ratings for coronavirus government action. A clear increase in positive evaluations. The KO voters were also satisfied. CHECK the results
In the opinion of as many as 71% of respondents, the government's actions should be assessed "definitely positive" (29%) or “rather positive” (42%).
ECR Chairmen ask Sassoli to use MEPs' unused daily allowances to buy medical equipments. "Not empty gestures but real actions "
Whereas, some funds were and will not be allocated, due to the changes in working times with the new restrictive measures in place, following the Covid-19 outbreak.
OUR INTERVIEW. Virusologist: We have no choice but to do what we have to do. The focus has shifted
Everybody apparently seemed to be aware of the situation, they were familiar with the procedures, methods, but these needed to be implemented at the right time.
President Andrzej Duda: Nobody knows what will happen on May 10. I hope that it will be possible to conduct these elections without any problems
…(…) Relatively radical measures were applied very early in Poland. Looking at the level of the infected cases in our country, these measures worked — he said.
Coronavirus in Poland. The condition of the patient from Zielona Góra is good. Gorzów suspended city events
In two schools in Dobrzyń by the Vistula River (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) classes were cancelled due to the quarantine of 4 inhabitants of Lipno County.
Already 16 cases of coronavirus infection in Poland. One patient in Kraków, three new cases in Racibórz
Three more cases in Racibórz On Sunday, two people with confirmed infection were hospitalized in the facility - a woman and a man.
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
The EU promised 6 billion euros, of which only 3.2 or 3.4 billion euros have effectively flown, and until then there were no signs that it intends to continue to provide financial assistance to Turkey…
Kołodziejski: Kidawa-Błońska's immigration twists and turns. Why does the PO candidate no longer want to invite refugees to Poland?
She claims that the Union’s borders should be protected from immigrants and - as if that were not enough - accuses the Law and Justice party of accepting illegal refugees.
Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
The commonly used expression referring to the simultaneous murders at many locations includes only the name of one of them, where the bodies of the officers were buried.
Orbán on European Christian Democrats: "First we become centrists, then liberals and finally left-wingers"
Ryszard Legutko and Michał Łuczewski were Polish speakers. However, the discussion involving Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán aroused most interest.
"Gdybym był bogaczem..." wystawiłbym w wyborach drewniany kołek. Hołownia i tak unika odpowiedzi na trudne pytania
…„ If I Were a Rich Man” - śpiewa Tewje w kultowym musicalu „Skrzypek na dachu”. Niech i skromnemu robotnikowi słowa wolno będzie założyć taki wariant.