Kołodziejski: Communism has not disappeared, it has merely transformed itself. Red banners have been replaced by rainbow banners
It is aggressive and ostentatiously, step by step, taking over the public sphere. It is present on the streets, invading schools, the media, culture and politics.
President congratulates Ukraine's President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky. "We express our solidarity towards Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression"
…Taking into account our mutual relations, our countries should be an example of partnership, strengthening friendly relations and shaping mutual agreement in the region.
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
We welcome the Katowice rulebook, the outcome of COP 24, taking into account the collective further efforts needed and actions undertaken by all Parties to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Inauguration Address by the President at the opening of the Conference: “The Downfall of Communism. 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe”
But we are very proud of the fact that it was thanks to those decisions, enabled by the Round Table taking place, twe can claim that we were the first.
The murderer of Adamowicz will be subjected to psychiatric observation. Stefan W. - despite the recordings – is denying his act
I think that he realises what is going on around him and knows in what kind of meeting he was taking part. He did not object to being sent for observation — she said to journalists.
Piotr Semka for wPolityce.pl: Donald Tusk's entry is a cynical provocation. His tactics deserve the utmost regret
Piotr Semka also pointed out that it is worth taking this opportunity to address the journalists of „Tygodnik Powszechny”, which some time ago devoted the whole cover to Donald Tusk.
Spring - Robert Biedroń's new party has been inaugurated. This is a serious problem for Civic Platform (PO)
Commentators believe that the new party means war on the opposition side, as it will be taking away the votes mainly from the Civic Platform.
A corruption-sexual scandal strikes a prominent member of the opposition
According to the prosecutor’s office, W. and K. were responsible for arranging for women to meet the MP and „organizing locations where intercourses were taking place”, as well as transport for women.
Commemoration of the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz German camp. Former prisoner of the camp: The worst of all was that the Germans deprived us of humanity
I and my older friends were taking care of her, but she did not want to eat or drink. I come here just for her — said Barbara Doniecka.
Report of the European Commission: Hostility towards Jews on the streets of European cities. The smallest problem is in Poland
Over a third avoid taking part in Jewish events or visiting Jewish sites because they fear for their safety and feel insecure.
A post-war war. The years of 1944–1963 in Poland
World revolution means taking over the world by the communist state. According to communist ideologues capitalist states could not peacefully coexist with communist states.
“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away
…station plays an important role in tracking global changes in animal population, which is of course connected with climate changes in Antarctic areas and krill population, which yield standards are set taking…
TOP 10 quotations from an interview of Deputy Prime Minister Gliński for "Sieci": They tried to make me an anti-Semitic. Madness
I would also strongly suggest not taking the political statements of actors or other artists so seriously. Their opinions are often emotional, changeable, and not always consistent.
Poland's ambassador to Israel in Haaretz: We are the only state in Europe to properly honor the Holocaust
It should come as no surprise to you, dear readers, whose side the Polish ambassador is taking in this heated debate.
Jak przyszłość czeka Czarny Ląd? Premier Morawiecki na spotkaniu politycznych liderów w ramach Forum Afryka-Europa
Przed południem zabierze głos w dyskusji o współpracy w erze cyfrowej - „Taking Cooperation to the Digital Age”.
A decay of the anti-Polish separatism in Silesia?
An illusory economic calculation, according to which „Warsaw will stop taking” the income earned in Silesia, etc. Has the time of the Silesian Regional Party come to an end?…
Prof. Paruch: No party was as successful as Law and Justice (PiS)
…Taking it further: in 2014, there were 2.5 million invalid votes, and now several hundred thousand, so the new voters joined in.
Mr Trump, whom have you sent us? How did Ambassador Mosbacher manage to alienate half of Poland?
Georgette Mosbacher, who was taking her first steps in the ambassador’s career, created some confusion in our politics.
Jonny Daniels: I would like to make this very clear - the hatred is present on both sides
Certainly, the people involved in the extremist right wing from marginal environments, are taking part in them.
September letter from Poles to Hungarians. "We are sending the words of support and wish to apologize for those Polish politicians who take part in the bashing"
We are ashamed that some post-communist, liberal and left-wing Polish politicians, including members of the European Parliament are taking part in the bashing.