SDP's strong position on the assessment of the state of media freedom in Poland: The decline in the ranking is incomprehensible and unjustified
Poland’s decline in the global ranking of media freedom by as many as 41 places compared to the 2015 „Report” is incomprehensible and unjustified in the opinion of CMWP SDP — emphasizes the Association…
Prime Minister Morawiecki met with the Poles in Chicago: the city that still lives and breathes Poland. In this place everybody is constantly thinking about Poland
The audience will see Warsaw, Wrocław, Cracow, Wieliczka, Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, Malbork, Gdynia and other places in the film.
The speech Lech Kaczyński was supposed to give in Katyń: "People and nations are able to choose freedom and defend the truth”
All these crimes - committed in several places - are symbolically called the Katyn Massacre. They are linked by the citizenship of the victims and the same decision of the same perpetrators.
"Sieci': Scientific mystification. In the ghetto in Bochnia Germans were helped in the crime by Jewish policemen - in the book "Ahead is the Night..." they were replaced by "Polish"
In addition, many Jews were hiding in bunkers and other places. The Germans got to know about it and ordered the Jewish police to find the hiding places and bring the occupiers.
The murderer of the mayor of Gdańsk is a criminal with diagnosed schizophrenia
In his paranoid world, he places people with whom he was supposed to have contact during psychiatric treatment in his youth.
Report of the European Commission: Hostility towards Jews on the streets of European cities. The smallest problem is in Poland
Manifestation of hostility towards Jews on the streets and in other public places is considered a „very big” or „quite big problem” by a large majority of respondents in France (91%), Belgium (81%), Germany…
“Arctowski”, meaning 14.5 thousand km away
Until then, the snow melts and stays only in places where the sun does not reach (e.g. gullies on the mountain slopes).
Politicians of the Civic Platform (EPP) restored communist street names in Warsaw
Warsaw, to Mrs Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska, President of the City Council and all councillors, not to rename streets and buildings by giving them names which in any way commemorate people, organisations, places…
GIRL & NERVOUS GUY potrząsają drzewem
…„Lonely places” - zawsze mi się marzyło, żeby mieć przy sobie torbę, niezbyt dużą, żeby móc spakować się szybko i pójść przed siebie, do najbliższego portu, nie oglądając się za siebie i nie żałując tego…
LOU DOILLON: radzę sobie ze słabością, jaką jest bycie kobietą
Premiera płyty „Places” jest odkryciem dla samej artystki i wyznacza tory jej kariery. _ Lou Doillon - ICU _ Tytuł albumu ma dwojakie znaczenie: odnosi się zarówno do drogi, na jaką Lou Doillon wkroczyła…
Urodziny JAMESA ELLROYA - TOP 5 charakterystycznych powieści
…2 My Dark Places To pamiętnik Ellroya i tak utrzymany w formie reportażu kryminalnego i realnie rzecz biorąc - książka, która zapoczątkowała w USA gatunek true crime .
Być znowu dzieckiem ... EXAMPLE wspomina czasy beztroskiego dzieciństwa
…"Kids Again" jest drugim (po "All The Wrong Places”) utworem, który zapowiada nową płytę studyjną Example. Według zapowiedzi, piąty krążek w jego karierze, ma ukazać się jeszcze przed wakacjami.
Bestsellery USA – wielu zaskoczeń nie ma, hitów z Polski – też nie
Seuss “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” James Patterson, Howard Roughan “Drugi miesiąc miodowy” Nicholas Sparks “Dla ciebie wszystko” M.L.
List do ambasadora Mulla. "Wzywamy do przeprosin zniesławionego narodu polskiego i jasnego, jednoznacznego określenia kto był sprawcą Holokaustu"
…którym Dyrektor jednej z najważniejszych instytucji państwowych Stanów Zjednoczonych mówi: „In their minds, the murderers and accomplices of Germany, and Poland, and Hungary, and so many, many other places…
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
In all the places where, after the end of conflicts, it is necessary to restore stability and provide development opportunities.
Jarosław Kaczyński: the opposition’s been losing over the last months. But if they hope that it will dull our vigilance, they are wrong
Today, we should focus on helping in places where it is most needed, on site. It is exactly what Poland’s been doing more and more actively. 15. About his health.
Prof. Paruch: No party was as successful as Law and Justice (PiS)
The political goal assumed the first eight places, so it has been achieved.
The post-election landscape in Poland
The next places were taken by: SLD Lewica Razem (6.65%), Kukiz‘15 (5.65%) and the Non-Partisan Local Government (5.30%).
Prayers, flowers and candles laid on the graves of loved ones. Poles visit cemeteries. PICTURES
During this special time Poles return to places important for their families. On that day, many cemeteries collect donations for the restoration of old graves.
„Honour & Glory to the Heroes” - Contra Mundum z koncertami na Wyspach Brytyjskich
…on the Catholic University of Lublin, in the Centre of Education in the Institute of National Remembrance, in the National Theatre, in the Philharmonic of Rzeszow and many other famous and reputable places…