Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance in connection with the attempts to manipulate history on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance in connection with the attempts to manipulate history on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact In the interwar period, the Republic of Poland…
Celebrations commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II - Warsaw, 1 September 2019
The German President vowed his country would never forget the atrocities of the Nazi period as he asked forgiveness from Poland during a series of commemorative events to mark the 80th anniversary of the…
We already know the date of the parliamentary elections. This is October 13th
An election campaign is never a period of peace; it is always a period of a political clash. It is its nature.
The liberal authorities in Gdańsk are demanding a huge financial penalty for the weekly “Sieci”. The editorial team answers: what we have written is true
The editorial office pointed to the numerous tendencies of the current city authorities towards the non-Polish tradition of the „Free City of Gdansk”, which functioned in the interwar period.
Tarczyński zaprasza deputowaną Demokratów: Będziesz mogła porównać, czym różnią się niemieckie obozy od ośrodków antyimigranckich
As you should be aware, the National Sociatist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) who led Germany, were responsible for the darkest period in my countr/s and our whoie continenfs history by devising a Chain…
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
During the recent years, the European Union has faced a period of multifaceted challenges, which we, all the Member States together, handled with the determination of turning them into new opportunities…
Prof. Roszkowski: Sexualisation of children, undermining sexual identity of people and destruction of the family is the beginning of the end of civilisation
Previously, Western civilization defended itself; it was consolidated and expanded in the world, while the 1960s are a period of breakthrough, in which destructive factors intensified and started to affect…
Where do they live? Do they plan to start a family? Interesting survey: There are currently 1.27 million Ukrainians in Poland
Selectivv emphasizes that this is more than twice as many as in the same period of last year, when plans related to family enlargement showed less than 5% of women.
Dr. Gontarczyk about the conference in Paris: an embarrassing spectacle, which has little in common with science, but is extremely dangerous for Poland
DR PIOTR GONTARCZYK, historian of the Institute of National Remembrance, investigating German crimes from the period of World War II, as well as the fate of Poles and Jews and mutual relations between…
OPINION. Well, that's already clear. The Great Revenge Party will stand up against the Law and Justice (PiS) party. This aggression against democracy must be opposed
They are entering the same ruts that led them in the first „totalitarian” period. With poor results.
A new Christmas clip produced by the Polish National Foundation (PFN) . Jean Reno in the lead role! "Imagine a beautiful country...". It is worth seeing. VIDEO
Imagine a beautiful country where Christmas is the most magical period of the year.
"Polskie obozy" w dwóch artykułach! Wystosowane dwukrotnie wezwania pozostały bez odpowiedzi. Interweniujemy!
The only camps that ever existed in German-occupied Poland in the period of 1939-1945, were established by the German Third Reich.
Politicians of the Civic Platform (EPP) restored communist street names in Warsaw
There are several dozen such examples of return to the tradition from the period of the People’s Republic of Poland.
Europe is still divided by a wall. We are not a community of fate, remembrance or values
Nearly all the countries between Russia and Germany have a long period of non-existence, which has been experienced only recently.
Prime Minister Morawiecki at the "Work for Poland" conference: We have fulfilled our obligations; we have tried to maintain our credibility
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki pointed out that there is a period of appraisal by the voters. We want to be appraised.
Poland reaches record-high economic growth in the 3rd quarter of 2018. The highest in the whole EU
This means that this year, in relation to the analogous period of the previous year, the Polish economy developed at a rate of more than 5 percent: in the first quarter GDP growth amounted to 5%, in the…
Po czym rozpoznać dojrzałego ojca? Po mężnych, walecznych synach i dzielnych, kobiecych córkach
W Teksasie, w ramach przeciwdziałania rozwodowej pladze, wprowadzono ustawę „Wait Period Bill”, która nakazuje rozpatrywanie wniosków rozwodowych dopiero w rok od ich złożenia, jeśli nie przewidują orzekania…
Do śmietnika!
Zresztą jeśli nawet taki powrót następuje, a właśnie mamy tego przykłady, to period chwały nowego-starego będzie krótki. Na jak długo liczyć może swoją kadencję Pani Kopacz. Do wyborów jest rok.
Grupa europosłów przypomina Brukseli o 17 września 1939. Przeczytaj ważny list!
…consequence of the aggressions between 1939-40 collaborationist governments were subsequently imposed in countries of Central Europe after 1944 under threat of raids (“interventions”) in the post-war period…
Warsaw has lost the fortune equivalent to the cost of building 40 metro stations
It shows that during this period about 4.2 thousand reprivatisation decisions were issued, of which 3.1 have been examined by the Commission; the estimated value returned was about PLN 20.4 billion, in…