Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
This is connected with the fact that, for almost half the century after these tragic events, the knowledge about people taken into captivity, or arrested and finally murdered based on the resolution of…
Another witness is reporting a bribe to Grodzki: 7,000 zlotys for the operation. "He didn't even bat his eyelid"
But Professor Grodzki devoted literally a minute and a half of his time to talk to me — he reports.
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
…big must be the need for a sense of joyful community in the Poles, how attractive is this colorful conservative march of smiling Poland, what strength is in the biblical stories when almost one and a half…
Russian Ambassador to Poland summoned to the Foreign Ministry after Putin's words. "A strong objection to the historical insinuations has been made"
September 1939 - at the moment when the Polish army was still fighting against German troops and the Polish government was on the territory of the country - but they also deny the brutal occupation of over half…
"Today's methods of Russian propaganda are a reproduction of the worst models dating back to the Stalinist period"
As a result of joint arrangements with Hitler, the Soviet Union seized more than half of the pre-war area of the Republic of Poland.
This stamp (issued by Polish Post) reminds us about a cruel German crime against Polish intelligentsia in Piaśnica
Inthe second half of 1944 in fear of the approaching front, the Germans decided to exhume and burn the bodies of the murdered to cover the traces.
Poland and Hungary blocked draft conclusions on the so-called rule of law mechanism
…matter will return to the agenda repeatedly, in view of the fact that work on the budget for the years 2021-27 will only end, as all the evidence indicates, during the German Presidency in the second half…
Habemus Papam! 41 years ago Cardinal Karol Wojtyła became Pope. St. John Paul II has changed the world and helped Poland regain its freedom
He was the first non-Italian Pope in 455 years and the youngest of the popes elected in one and a half centuries.
Is a record turnout coming soon? CBOS survey: As many as 77% of Poles declared their intention to participate in the elections
The CBOS survey conducted at the end of August shows that 72% of respondents are interested in the upcoming voting approximately one and a half months before the parliamentary elections, while in the case…
Joint declaration by five countries on the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Pain and injustice will never be forgotten
The declaration of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Romania states that this was a pact „which led to the outbreak of World War II and condemned half of Europe…
The National Bank of Poland (NBP) increased the stock of Polish gold by 100 tons. We already have 228.6 tons of gold!
Nearly half of the Polish gold (100 tons) will be imported into Poland and stored in the vaults of the NBP. The NBP currently holds 228.6 tons of gold.
More than half of Poles support the Polish authorities' actions concerning reparations for war losses suffered during the German occupation
According to a study by Social Changes studio ordered by the portal wPolityce.pl, more than half of Poles support the Polish state’s actions regarding reparations for German crimes during the Second World…
Social Changes Survey for wPolsce.pl: there is a growing belief that Law and Justice will maintain power in the autumn. CHECK THE RESULTS!
According to a survey by Social Changes studio ordered by television wPolsce.pl, more than half of Poles are convinced that Law and Justice will rule after the autumn elections.
Letter from the President of the Law and Justice party to the Poles: Autumn elections will decide about the future of our homeland
As he pointed out, in order to continue the „good change” and expand it, the Law and Justice party must obtain an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections, i.e. more than half of the seats in the…
A foolish myth has finally been abolished. It was Jarosław Kaczyński who led the Law and Justice party on the final straight and it was he who set the ideological backbone of the formation
The President of Law and Justice traveled across half of Poland, and kept appearing on TV stations more frequently than usual.
Every fifth diocesan priest in Poland was murdered. The Day of Martyrdom of the Polish Clergy
Almost half of them were tortured in the camp, most of them in the dioceses of Poznań (147), Włocławek (144) and Łódź (112).
Despite intrusive propaganda, Poles are still against the legalisation of homosexual marriages. SURVEY
Although the Spring of Robert Biedroń demands the legalization of homosexual marriages, Poles still think otherwise; almost half of us do not want people of the same sex to be able to marry each other,…
Lech Wałęsa flew into orbit. The former president announces.... the invasion by aliens: The earth will fold; all of us will be crushed. VIDEO
When we threaten to destabilize (….) with Putin, they will prevent us, cut in half, the earth will fold, all of us will be crushed, and they will hold us for 5 thousand years — said Wałęsa during the Civic…
Leader of the KOD-kapela convicted of trafficking in women. He will go to prison, although the court has lowered his punishment. "He was not a leader of a criminal group"
However, already after about a year (a total of half the sentence) he will be able to apply for early release. See „Black March” by KOD Kapela:” Tłum. K.J.
Polish Ambassador to Israel Marek Magierowski was interviewed by "The Times of Israel"
We lost six million citizens, approximately half of them of Jewish descent. We lost cities, villages, infrastructure, artworks. Poland was devastated.