President Andrzej Duda has no doubt: Moscow's imperial ambitions are obvious, therefore we must strengthen NATO's eastern flank
As he pointed out, the key in NATO is solidarity and sharing responsibility and costs.
The President of Poland was treated scandalously in Berlin. How to talk to Germany, when instead of listening, they are setting traps?
And he has the right to expect that if he is invited, the hosts will not play with setting quite predictable traps; they will not, at all costs, strive to confirm their own stereotypes, but will simply…
Nigel Farage w specjalnym oświadczeniu wyjaśnia: nie chodzi o Polskę. "Nie chcę, by Wielka Brytania była w unii politycznej z jakimkolwiek państwem"
I am currently cooperating with them to publicise the harm that EU Green policies are doing by making energy costs more expensive for the peoples of Europe.
"Raport o zagrożeniach wolności słowa w Polsce w latach 2010-2011" Stowarzyszenia PJN dostępny także po angielsku!
Polish courts participate in those dealings and adjudge on-the-air apologies for the stated opinions; as a result, the defendants are in financial ruin due to high costs of TV commercials.
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