1941: A war between two totalitarianisms. "80 years ago, on 22 June 1941, the German Reich initiated war on the Soviet Union"
Instead of bringing freedom to the nations conquered by the Germans, as the Allies pledged, the USSR took advantage of its victories to enslave Central and Eastern Europe.
Repressions for helping Jews in the occupied Polish lands. No less than 467 people were killed for aiding Jews
Dr Rafał Leśkiewicz: Recently, a list was published of 654 people repressed by the Germans during the Second World War for bringing aid to Jews. What were your criteria for preparing such list?…
EXCLUSIVELY. Third wave of the pandemic. A doctor from the National Hospital: There are more young people who are in a serious condition
Each patient requires complex assistance - not only medication, but also food, taking to the toilet, bringing oxygen, and all this gets multiplied. Doctors as well.
Sad news! The life of Mr Sławek could not be saved. A Polish man who had stayed in hospital in Plymouth has died
The matter of him being connected to life supporting equipment and being fed was the subject of a court dispute, and Polish authorities tried to save him by granting him a diplomatic passport and bringing…
Roman Polański's WWII rescuers named Righteous Among the Nations
In 2019, the number of Polish Righteous Among the Nations grew by 120, bringing the national total to 7,112 – over a quarter of all people awarded the title worldwide.
Treasures of memory from Treblinka
READ MORE: Samuel Willenberg - Everybody’s hero The originator of bringing the sculptures by Samuel Willenberg to Poland is Blanka Kamińska-Pienkos from the Division of International Information and Relations…
Prime Minister meets senior citizens for a Christmas Eve dinner
He also thanked the senior citizens for safekeeping the values, faith and culture and bringing up the next generation.
Is this what he was after? The Pro-Kremlin media quote Braun. A politician of the Confederation spoke of the US army in Poland as „betrayal"
Grzegorz Braun announced from the Sejm podium that „seeking a guarantee of safety” in bringing American troops to Poland is ”betrayal”.
The main opposition party presents candidates for the Parliament
After losing the May elections to the European Parliament, the European Coalition, bringing together almost all opposition forces, fell apart.
Disturbing opposition plans. They want to see Poland partitioned?
It is about bringing this deadly virus into our public debate on an equal footing. It must therefore straight away, immediately and unequivocally rejected.
Warsaw Declaration on the reunification of Europe. "The EU’s internal and external security needs to be strengthened"
The key to the European Union’s success is bringing it closer to citizens. They must feel a genuine sense of ownership and control of the general direction in which the Union is heading.
A post-war war. The years of 1944–1963 in Poland
They were both seen as an obstacle in the way of bringing worldwide revolution.
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
Poland actively supports all actions and initiatives aimed at preventing the use and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, as well as bringing the perpetrators using…
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
Poland, bringing to the European Union a precious baggage of values and traditions as well as a specific vision of economic and social development, wants to be an advocate of good changes and participate…
Kolejne szczególy płyty BOBA DYLANA z niepublikowanymi utworami
Bootleg Series zawiera niepublikowane wcześniej nagrania studyjne – w tym nigdy nie słyszane wcześniej piosenki, odrzuty, wersje demo i alternatywne utworów pochodzących z sesji nagraniowych do albumów „Bringing…
Prezydent Rumunii rozpoczął wizytę w Polsce. Związana jest ona ze szczytem państw wschodniej flanki NATO w Warszawie
Następnie wezmą oni udział w debacie zatytułowanej „Warszawa Plus: przeniesienia bezpieczeństwa wschodniej flanki NATO na wyższy poziom” („Warsaw Plus: bringing the security of NATO’s Eastern flank to…
W Warszawie rozpoczął się szczyt tzw. Bukareszteńskiej Dziewiątki. Głównym tematem: bezpieczeństwo wschodniej flanki NATO. ZDJĘCIA
…przywódcy państw Bykareszteńskiej Dziwiatki wezmą udział w Pałacu Prezydenckim w debacie zatytułowanej „Warszawa Plus: przeniesienia bezpieczeństwa wschodniej flanki NATO na wyższy poziom” („Warsaw Plus: bringing…
WAŻNE! W kontekście burzy wywołanej słowami premiera Morawieckiego przypominamy fragment książki Hannah Arendt pt. "Eichmann w Jerozolimie"
We know how the Jewish officials felt when they became instruments of murder - like captains „whose ships were about to sink and who succeeded in bringing them safe to port by casting overboard a great…
Antyaborcyjna broń na chodniku. Stań przed szpitalem Bielańskim!
Tę akcję pod nazwą „Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary” (Przynosząc Jezusa do Planned Parenthood poprzez Maryję) opisuje w każdym biuletynie jedna z amerykańskich grup pro-life STOPP International…
Appeal of the Polish Nation to The Citizens of Europe and the World for Help
The only reaction of the Polish government to this act of vandalism was bringing about the layoff of the journalist, Anita Gargas, who presented the footage in her TV program: http://wvvw.youtube.com/watch…