Mimo naszych wezwań dwa portale, argentyński diariovivo.com i dominikański diariolibre.com w swoich artykułach podtrzymują oszczercze sformułowania o istnieniu „polskich obozów”
— informuje Reduta Dobrego Imienia. Artykuły dotyczą książki opisującej historię ocalałego z Auschwitz Eddy’ego de Winda. W związku z brakiem reakcji ze strony wspomnianych portali Reduta Dobrego Imienia prosi Polaków o pomoc w wywarciu presji na portale, aby dokonały zmian w swoich publikacjach. W tym celu podaje wzory maili w języku angielskim, jakie można do nich wysyłać. Przedstawiamy je poniżej.
Odbiorca: [email protected]
Tytuł wiadomości:
A request to remove defamatory content Historical error in your article I don’t agree! Request for correction on your website Please, delete the error There was no Polish camp in occupied Poland
lub inny, stworzony przez Państwa
Treść wiadomości:
Dear Sir or Madam!
I do inform you that despite a previous appeal by the Polish League Against Defamation regarding your gravely false and highly defamatory statement „campo de concentración polaco” is still being used as in the following article: https://www.diariovivo.com/un-libro-sobre-las-vivencias-de-un-superviviente-de-auschwitz-ve-la-luz-en-veinte-paises/
This is an example of hate speech using the Holocaust denial against the Poles because of racist prejudice.
The only camps that ever existed in German-occupied Poland in the period of 1939-1945, were established by the German Third Reich.
The proper reference to the German camps therefore is as follows: - German camps in German-occupied Poland - German Nazi camps in German-occupied Poland - German camps in Nazi-occupied Poland
I therefore wish to endorse the request by the Polish League Against Defamation and urge you to remove the defamatory expression from the Website under your administration.
Wskazówki odnośnie wysyłki maila do drugiego portalu, diariolibre.com, są podobne, nieco inna jest jednak jego treść, którą należy wysłać na adres [email protected].
Dear Sir or Madam!
I do inform you that despite a previous appeal by the Polish League Against Defamation regarding your gravely false and highly defamatory statement „campo de concentración polaco” is still being used as in the following article: https://www.diariolibre.com/actualidad/internacional/auschwitz-ultima-parada-un-antidoto-contra-el-olvido-HH15219790
This is an example of hate speech using the Holocaust denial against the Poles because of racist prejudice.
The only camps that ever existed in German-occupied Poland in the period of 1939-1945, were established by the German Third Reich.
The proper reference to the German camps therefore is as follows: - German camps in German-occupied Poland - German Nazi camps in German-occupied Poland - German camps in Nazi-occupied Poland
I therefore wish to endorse the request by the Polish League Against Defamation and urge you to remove the defamatory expression from the Website under your administration.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/473717-sformulowanie-polskie-obozy-w-kolejnych-publikacjach