Official results of local elections are now available on the PKW website! PiS won the elections to the provincial assemblies even more clearly than the IPSOS exit poll indicated. Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s party won as much as 34.27 percent of the vote.
The official results of the provincial assembly elections are as follows:
PiS - 34.27 percent.
KO - 30.59 percent.
Third Way - 14.25 percent.
Confederation and the Non-Partisan Local Government Workers - 7.23 percent.
Left Party- 6.32 percent.
Association of Non-Partisan Local Government Workers - 3.01 percent. And these were the exit poll results:
IPSOS poll in the elections to provincial assemblies nationwide:
PiS - 33.7 percent.
Civic Coalition - 31.9 percent.
Third Way - 13.5 percent.
Confederation and the Non-Partisan Local Government Workers - 7.5 percent.
The Left - 6.8 percent.
Association of Non-Partisan Local Governments - 2.7 percent.
PiS wins in as many as 7 provincial assemblies!
It turns out that PiS won the elections in the following provincial assemblies: podlaskie, łódzkie, świętokrzyskie, podkarpackie, małopolskie, lubelskie and - as the IPSOS exit poll did not indicate earlier - also mazowieckie.
PiS won as many as 239 seats to the provincial assemblies! KO gained 210, Third Way 80.
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