Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, Metropolitan of Gdansk, was elected today as the new head of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, KEP spokesman Fr. Leszek Gęsiak announced.
The new chairman was elected by the bishops gathered in Warsaw at the 397th Plenary Meeting of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.
The new chairman is a Pallottine priest. He is 67 years old. As of March 3, 2021, he is the Metropolitan of Gdansk. He will succeed Metropolitan of Poznań Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki, who has headed the EPC since 2014 for two consecutive five-year terms.
Within the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Wojda has been a member of the Commission for Missions since 2017, and a member of the Church Concordat Commission since 2018. In 2021, he became a member of the Permanent Council of the KEP and the Team under the KEP Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Polish Emigration. In 2021, he was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Opoka Foundation, and in 2022 he was elected Delegate for Television Trwam.
The chairman of the KEP - in accordance with the statute - convenes the Permanent Council, the plenary meeting, the council of diocesan bishops, and presides over the proceedings at these meetings. In addition, he invites other persons exceptionally and in special cases to the plenary meeting of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, after listening to the Presidium of the KEP.
mk, PAP
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