Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of Poland’s ruling party, the conservative Law and Justice (PiS), has underlined what he sees as the right path for Poland at a party election congress in Konskie, central Poland, on Saturday.
„We’re facing new, great tasks, but we have taken very many steps on the path leading towards the final rejection of the bad past and building a completely different, new Poland, strong in every sense,” Kaczynski said.
He said Poland must continue to increase its military, economic, social and energy security.
„This security is necessary and therefore… we value (the role of - PAP) the state,” Kaczynski said, referring to the government’s involvement in the economy and society.
„Family, nation, freedom, justice, equality - all can be achieved, can become a fact, if there is security,” he continued.
One of the elements of security, according to Kaczynski, is the availability of cash.
He pointed out the government would not allow cash to be phased out, because „lack of cash means a very difficult situation in times of crises and attacks.”
„One click and a person has no money and is in dire straits,” he said. „This can’t be allowed, neither now, nor in a 100 years’ time.”
Kaczynski stressed the role of coal in Poland’s energy mix amid its expected transition towards more climate-neutral sources.
„Keeping this basis of our security (coal - PAP), we must at the same time invest heavily in nuclear energy and different kinds of green energy,” he said.
In the PiS chairman’s vision for the next decades, „Poland will be truly a heavy-weight country.”
„It is a vision of economic growth, of a super-modern economy based on Polish brains,” he said.
Kaczynski said his party’s strict stance on protection of life has not changed.
„We’re also rejecting this attack on the defenceless while keeping in mind that a pregnant woman, a woman giving birth, has the full right to life and health,” he said.
Among the party’s proposals ahead of the October 15 general election, Kaczynski named tenure pensions under which men will be able to retire after 43 years of work, regardless of their age, while women will be able to do so after 38 years.
PAP, mk
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