Germany cannot persist in ignoring Poland’s war reparation claims, Britain’s Spectator weekly wrote on Wednesday, addressing an on-going dispute over Germany’s duty to pay compensation to countries it overran and destroyed during World War II.
Poland, one of the countries where the wartime German occupation was especially harsh, has officially asked Germany for reparations, arguing severe human and material losses during the occupation years. Berlin, however, has shown itself unwilling to discuss the matter, arguing that it had been closed in the post-war years, when Poland was a part of the then Soviet bloc.
„Germany can’t continue to ignore Polish pleas for war reparations,” the British weekly wrote, noting that „Berlin has frequently indulged in international lectures on topics ranging from Brexit to beef, but it is quieter on this uncomfortable subject.”
The weekly also recalled a recent meeting of Polish and Greek lawyers in Athens, organised to discuss both countries’ cooperation in pressing Germany for war reparations.
Greece, which also suffered heavily under the Germans in World War II, has been considering reparation claims from Berlin as well. (PAP)
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