The project involves the organisation of a series of meetings to be held in the most historically interesting and representative places in Poland.
The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw hosted yet another meeting in the series of the Diplomats’ Club, inviting ambassadors, especially those from the Polish Speaking Ambassadors Club, i.e. from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Palestine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, Slovakia, Austria, the United Kingdom, Croatia, Lithuania, representatives of the diplomatic corps residing in Poland, and media representatives.
The main hero of yesterday’s lecture was Ignacy Domeyko - the father of the world’s geology. Professor Mariusz Ziółkowski, President of the Polish Branch of the Explorers Club, gave a historical lecture. In addition to the professor’s speech, there was also an artistic performance presenting the most beautiful arias, songs and film music, as well as a serving of Polish historical cuisine.
„The cooperation of PFN (Polish National Foundation) with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allows the implementation of necessary and effective projects. The Diplomat’s Club is an activity related to public diplomacy, creating a platform for discourse with Ambassadors residing in Poland, in a way engaging the staff of diplomatic missions in a passionate conversation about Poland, its history, culture and art. Our cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allows us to extend our activities immensely to other diplomatic circles”
— said Dr Marcin Zarzecki, President of the Board of the Polish National Foundation.
The aim of the Diplomats’ Club project is to spread knowledge of Polish culture and history, to promote Poland abroad, and to engage and inspire the circles of diplomats residing in Poland.
„The activities of the Polish National Foundation aimed at representatives of diplomatic missions are intended to present Poland in a multidimensional way, as a country with great history, rich national heritage and a developing economy”
— Michal Góras, Vice President of the Polish National Foundation, noted.
The first of the meetings focused on the history of Poland’s relations with Ukraine. The historical lecture was given by Professor Andrzej Nowak. There are further meetings planned, more guests invited and other topics featuring Polish history, art, music or nature.
The project is being implemented under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Tłum. K.J.
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