The introduction of voluntary basic military service for volunteers is part of the draft bill on the defence of the homeland. The reserve military service is to be divided into active and passive. As the head of the Ministry of Defence Mariusz Blaszczak said on Tuesday, the newly formed army should comprise at least 250,000 professional soldiers and 50,000 WOT soldiers.
The country, which lies on the border of NATO and the EU, must possess a significant power of deterrence and the possibility of effective self-defence for a longer period of time
— said Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński at a conference on Tuesday, presenting the assumptions of the draft act on defence of the homeland. As he stressed, the point is that the strength of our army, the possibility of the so-called power projection, should be increased many times; it requires a huge effort, but it is necessary; the new act on defence of the homeland allows for this.
The draft of the new law was presented by the head of the Ministry of Defence, Mariusz Blaszczak. He informed that the draft act on defence of the homeland introduces a mechanism for obtaining additional funds for armament and modernisation. It will also make it possible to increase the size of the Polish Army.
According to Blaszczak, the main goals of the drafted act are: to make the principles of promotions in the Armed Forces more flexible; to eliminate the „glass ceiling” for privates and non-commissioned officers; to introduce additional disciplinary regulations and to prevent corruption and nepotism; to put in order the regulations governing the principles of performing military service.
The draft act on defence of the homeland also includes the creation of a new type of army - the defence of cyberspace.
Błaszczak further announced the extension of the programme of the Academic Legion schools, i.e. military classes at selected universities.
The minister additionally announced scholarships for people who want to become officers after civilian studies.
The bill finally introduces „disciplinary, anti-corruption and anti-nepotism” provisions.
Tłum. K.J.
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