Beata Szydło has her own contribution to the Polish state and our historical policy - said Prof. Mieczysław Ryba in a conversation with the portal
Prof. Ryba comments on the attacks that rained down on Beata Szydło after the information that she had been appointed to the board of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
It is important to remember that Beata Szydło originates from those areas. As a former prime minister and currently an MEP, she has experience in international relations. She seems to be a person appropriately disposed for dialogue. I see no problem with this candidature. Today, she is engaged in her work in the euro-parliament, which makes her a bit further away from the problems of local Polish politics
— he added.
Professor Ryba also stressed the importance of the role of the Museum and the need to fight for historical truth.
The Auschwitz-Birkenau camp is a key issue when we talk about contemporary Polish historical policy. There are many lies to be clarified and the role of the Auschwitz Museum in achieving this is enormous. Among other things, it is about ensuring that visitors to this place receive the appropriate portion of knowledge and learn the true history of this place. Beata Szydło could bind the historical policy of the Polish state to this important place, which has an impact on the whole world
— he said.
We must clearly show who the victims were and who bears responsibility for the crimes. If the Polish state does not ensure this, then falsehood will spread around the world
— he added.
Professor Ryba believes that Beata Szydło meets the right conditions to be a member of the council of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
Beata Szydło has repeatedly defended the good name of Poland, also on the international arena. In terms of character and experience, she has all the predispositions to play a very positive role
— said Prof. Mieczysław Ryba in an interview with
Tłum. K.J.
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