The film „Under Threat” (“Stan Zagrożenia”) by Ewa Stankiewicz, broadcast by TVP, features shocking images. We can see Ewa Kopacz, who, as the then Polish Minister of Health, went to Russia to participate in the identification and preparation of bodies of victims of the Smolensk catastrophe for transportation. The victims included the late President Lech Kaczyński and his wife and 94 other representatives of the state elite, ministers, MPs and historical figures.
The pictures show Ewa Kopacz smiling, sipping from a cup and posing with Russian medics. The body of one of the victims is visible in the background.
These photos are part of the already known evidence of the frivolous treatment of the tragedy by the Polish authorities at those times, including Donald Tusk and his associates. Kopacz was one of them, and later Tusk named her as his successor. However, she lost the election in 2015.
Russia’s recent aggressive actions - from invading Ukraine to attempting to kill Navalny - according to many commentators, raise anew the question of the cause of the Smolensk tragedy.
Tłum. K.J.
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