Poland recorded the highest increase in employment among European Union countries in the last quarter of 2020 on a year-on-year basis. Compared to the data reported for the fourth quarter of 2019, the percentage of people employed in Poland increased by 0.8 percentage points during this period.
Comparing data for Q4 2019 and Q4 2020 in Poland, the increase in the percentage of employed persons was +0.8 percentage points on a year-on-year basis. For the same period, data for the European Union as a whole show -0.7 percentage points y/y, and for the Eurozone -0.9 percentage points y/y.
Slight improvement across the EU
Luxembourg also recorded an increase - by 0.6 percentage points. The remaining member states, with the exception of the Netherlands where year-on-year employment remained stable, recorded declines in employment.
Eurostat reported that the labour market across the EU improved slightly in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to the third quarter of 2020.
In the EU, the employment rate for people aged 20-64 was 72.6 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2020, an increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the third quarter of 2020.
tłum. KJ
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/548067-poland-has-the-highest-employment-growth-in-the-eu