Jarosław Kaczyński was sent to quarantine on Monday. The President of Law and Justice has had contact with a coronavirus infected person - unofficially informs TVP Info. The Law and Justice Committee are to issue an announcement on President Kaczyński’s quarantine this afternoon.
On Monday, Jarosław Kaczyński was supposed to take part in the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Marek Rosiak, a Law and Justice activist killed 10 years ago. The Deputy Prime Minister withdrew his attendance.
According to Radosław Fogiel, Deputy Prime Minister Kaczyński was placed in a self-quarantine after contacting the infected person.
After being informed of the contact, as part of his official duties, with a COVID-19 infected person, President @pisorgpl Jarosław Kaczyński - as recommended by @GIS_gov - is sent to the self-quarantine until further decisions by the sanitation services. The President is feeling well; he will carry out his duties from home.
- informed Fogiel .
Tłum. K.J.
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