We are facing an escalation of the pandemic. In the near future, we should expect even more than 2 000 new cases of coronavirus per day
— said Health Minister Adam Niedzielski on Thursday.
The Ministry’s data from Thursday describes 1967 new cases of infection - this is the largest daily increase in the number of infections since the beginning of the epidemic. The total number of confirmed cases is 93 481 people, 2543 of whom have died.
Our forecasts, which are constantly being monitored by the Ministry of Health, show that in the near future - I am referring to a two-week period - this number will be in the range of around 1 500, even above 2 000 cases per day
- said the head of the Ministry of Health.
He pointed out that the dynamics of the escalation of the pandemic influences the decisions concerning the undertaken measures.
That is why we have decided that a patient, who has a positive result and, at the same time, has no symptoms, should be directed to home isolation, provided, of course, with full medical care. Every doctor will have such authority and right
— informed Niedzielski.
Tłum. K.J.
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