See the trailer of the „War of the Worlds” exhibition. The film was made by the Institute of National Remembrance.
— Europe emerged from the Great War devastated demographically and economically. In the central part of the continent, old monarchies collapsed. New states were reborn or were created. New borders were negotiated and fought for. Social unrest broke out all over the continent, but the real social revolution began in Russia.
— The Bolsheviks, who came to power as a result of the armed upheaval, carried the slogans to overthrow the old order and destroy its representatives: aristocracy, officers, landowners, rich peasants, the clergy. They were not satisfied with liquidating property rights, reversing e social hierarchy, and introducinga completely new political system based on the infallibility of one party. In fact, the Bolsheviks aimed at a complete reconstruction of the world of values, in which the individual was henceforth to mean nothing and societies became masses managed by Soviet commissars.
— Their idea of revolution was supranational and although the Bolsheviks declared „the right of nations to self-determination”, they actually sought to „export revolution” and to establish “a dictatorship of the proletariat”. On their path stood a resurgent Poland, composed of the lands of the three former partitions (Prussian, Austrian and Russian), fighting for its borders. It was inhabited by a multi-ethnic population, divided politically, with its army stillbeing formed .
— How was it possible for this new unconsolidated Poland to become a bulwark of the European civilization in confrontation with Bolshevik Russia? In a confrontation that can only be described as a war of the worlds or a war of civilisations. How did Poland come out victorious of this confrontation? What social phenomena, international events, military actions were associated with it? You shall find the answer at the exhibition „War of the Worlds 1920”.
Source: IPN
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