President Andrzej Duda entrusted performing the duties of the 1st President of the Supreme Court on 1 May to the Supreme Court judge Kamil Zaradkiewicz, pending the appointment of the 1st President of the Supreme Court - stated Błażej Spychalski, President’s spokesperson.
The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, based on Article 13a par. 1 in connection with Article 11(4) of the Supreme Court Act, as of 1 May assigned the performance of the duties of the First President of the Supreme Court to Supreme Court judge Kamil Zaradkiewicz pending the appointment of the First President of the Supreme Court
— wrote the president’s spokesperson on Twitter
As the Deputy Head of the President’s Chancellery Paweł Mucha informed the Polish Press Agency, a ceremony was held on Thursday before noon at the Presidential Palace, during which the President handed over a document confirming the terms of this decision personally to Judge Zaradkiewicz.
In the legal sense, the situation is clear. There is no doubt that, as indicated by the content of the President’s decision on the grounds of the law, since May 1, the Supreme Court is managed by Judge Zaradkiewicz, performing the duties of the 1st President of the Supreme Court
— stressed the deputy head of the presidential office.
As he said, the General Assembly of the Supreme Court judges should now take place, which will then present the President with five candidates for the first President of the Supreme Court, out of whom the President will elect the first President of the Supreme Court.
At the end of April the six-year term of the current First President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Gersdorf, expires. As announced by the Supreme Court press office, Judge Gersdorf is retired from the beginning of May.
In mid-April, the Supreme Court announced that the deadline for the General Assembly of Supreme Court Judges for the selection of candidates for the first president was cancelled due to the restrictions associated with the epidemic. It will be possible to convene it after restrictions on social distancing are lifted - decided Małgorzata Gersdorf.
Tłum. K.J.
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