Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the President of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński, presented at a press conference a new aid programme for Polish entrepreneurs - the Financial Shield.
It is supposed to help Polish companies to preserve their jobs. Prime Minister Below we present the most important assumptions of the Financial Shield, which together with the Anti-Crisis Shield gives Polish entrepreneurs aid of PLN 330 billion.Morawiecki stressed that as much as PLN 100 billion will go to companies. As he pointed out at the conference, part of the subsidy will be non-refundable if only the entrepreneur does not eliminate workplaces and does not close the business.
The programme consists of 3 basic components with a total value of PLN 100 billion (4.5% of GDP): PLN 25 billion will go to micro businesses, PLN 50 billion to small and medium enterprises and PLN 25 billion to large enterprises. The entities that will benefit from the programme will receive a total of non-refundable funds worth PLN 60 billion.
Together with the Anti-Crisis Shield it gives Polish entrepreneurs aid of PLN 330 billion.
Tłum. K.J.
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