We closed the borders, because most of the infected people come from abroad - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Thursday in an interview with the CNN station. He expressed his conviction that the actions taken by Poland are effective, because the number of infections is lower than elsewhere.
At the same time the Prime Minister voiced his fear that Poland is still in the run-up to the peak of the disease and the number of infected people may reach several thousand.
In an interview with the CNN station, Morawiecki expressed his conviction that the plan presented by the government to protect the economy, although costly, is necessary and will prove effective in fighting the effects of coronavirus.
He also said that the crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic is completely different from the financial crisis of 2008, because now, as he noted, global supply chains in the entire global economy have been discontinued.
The head of the Polish government stressed that all actions taken so far to protect the economies are taken by Member States.
I hope that the European Commission will use the new funds to fight this crisis and I appreciate the reaction of the European Central Bank, which has taken action very decisively, buying bonds from the market, but also launching the next round of LTRO, the long-term refinancing of operations, which helps to maintain stability
— he said.
Tłum. K.J.
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