Poles resist the opposition’s narrative about the fact that Law and Justice is heading for Polexite. This is even shown by a survey conducted by Kantar for „Fakt” TVN.
The first question was whether Poland should remain a member of the European Union. As many as 89% of the respondents answered yes. Only 8% of those asked supported leaving the EU. The undecided ones were 5% of those who took part in the survey.
In the second question, Kantar asked whether the policy pursued by the Law and Justice will lead to Polexit. 47% of those surveyed said no. 42% had a different opinion and 11% had no opinion on the matter.
The survey was conducted with the use of the telephone method on 29-30 January. 1300 adults were interviewed.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/485231-poles-dont-believe-in-oppositions-narrative-about-polexite