After four years of hard work, when I am leaving the PO, it is now time for a new beginning
— informed at the press conference Grzegorz Schetyna, at the same time announcing that he will not run in the January elections for the head of the Civic Platform. He also pointed to Tomasz Siemoniak, whom he will support in the election campaign. Earlier, the fact that Schetyna will not run in the elections had been reported among others by journalist Kamila Biedrzycka.
The end of the term of the president of the PO is near (…) I wanted to sum up these four years
— said Schetyna at the press conference.
The end of my term of office is also the beginning of a new term of office and I would like to say that after these four years of difficult work, when I am leaving the PO, I am closing this stage in which the PO is in a much better condition than that of 2015 and 2016. It is time for new challenges, new people, new beginning, and new chapter. (…) The best candidate who will be the leader of a great project, which is crucial for us, for the PO, in this next term 2020-2024, will be Tomasz Siemoniak
— added Schetyna and announced support for Siemoniak in the internal election in the PO.
Today I am declaring my support for him in this internal campaign
— said Schetyna.
He was followed by Tomasz Siemoniak, who stated that he decided to run for the head of the PO, because he has been in this party from the very beginning.
The second most serious candidate for the head of the largest opposition party is Boris Budka.
Tłum. K.J.
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