We strongly disagree with the content of the EP resolution, because in Poland no one is discriminated against because of their religion, beliefs or sexual orientation
— Jadwiga Wiśniewska, MEP (Law and Justice) told PAP.
The European Parliament in Strasbourg in a vote on Wednesday (last week) adopted a resolution condemning discrimination and hate speech against LGBTI people. The MEPs condemned, among other things, „the so-called LGBTI-free zones created since the beginning of 2019 by dozens of municipalities, districts, regions in the south-eastern part of the country (Poland - PAP)”, as well as the hate speech addressed to LGBTI people in other Member States - Estonia, Spain, Great Britain, Hungary and Romania.
We strongly disagree with the content of this resolution, because in Poland no one is discriminated against because of their religion, beliefs or sexual orientation. This provision is absolutely unfair. All LGBT marches have been secured by the police and those who wanted to disrupt them have been prosecuted. So we believe that the plan outlined by (PO President) Grzegorz Schetyna „abroad” and reporting on Poland is being pursued. It is the production of fake news
— said Wiśniewska.
She added that LGBTI people have the same rights in Poland as all others.
There is no reason to stigmatize Poland in the European Parliament
— she said.
She indicated that any resolution of the local government can be subject to appeal.
If someone has doubts about such resolutions, there is a legal way that ought to be applied. There is no need for the government to interfere in the activities of local governments. Self-governments act in accordance with strictly defined regulations and there is a procedure for repealing each resolution. Those who have doubts should bring such issues to the administrative courts
— she said.
We also disagree with the aggressive promotion and propaganda of the LGBTI community, which here, especially through the lips of MEP Robert Biedroń, wants to create themselves as those that are suppressed or stigmatized in Poland. Mr Biedroń himself is an excellent example of how people who display their sexual preference can be successful in politics, either as Members of Parliament, city presidents or MEPs
— said Wiśniewska.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/479600-wisniewska-responds-to-the-scandalous-ep-resolution