Dear President Macron, in Poland the #NATO alliance is very much alive, and the U.S. engagement with our Polish allies is also strong, alive & well
— wrote Georgette Mosbacher, US Ambassador to Poland on Monday’s Twitter, addressing the French President, Emmanuel Macron.
The words of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, who spoke about „the clinical death of NATO’s brain” in an interview for the weekly „The Economist” on 7 November, due to, as he assessed, the lack of coordination between the United States and Europe and unilateral behaviour of Turkey, have received wide publicity.
Less than a week later Macron spoke at the opening of the second edition of the international peace forum held in Paris and said that we were experiencing „an unprecedented crisis in the international system”. He also stressed the need for greater cooperation between NATO countries, softening his position in an interview with „The Economist”.
Europe is the place in the world where we know best the price of non-cooperation
— he said.
According to Macron, Europe could be a „third party between the United States and China”.
Tłum. K.J.
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