After a decisive victory for the Law and Justice party in 2015 the Platform had four chances to win. It has already missed three of them. Why should it succeed now, when the same team is responsible for all the defeats?
— writes „Gazeta Wyborcza”.
Smell of cigars in the air. The chairman with the company of the closest cooperators is watching the matches. - Oh, you should write that the portrait of Schetyna is not hanging there - says one of the regulars
— this is how the journalists describe the work of the electoral staff of the main opposition party. According to the newspaper, the staff rarely met and quenched the enthusiasm of the activists rather than supporting them.
The text reveals a picture of a helpless and chaotic campaign, as well as candidates left without support and a badly conducted propaganda campaign on the Internet.
This material is read as one of the elements of the campaign aimed at forcing the change of the OP’s leader - currently Grzegorz Schetyna.
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