The portal was once again on the podium in the ranking of the most opinion-forming portals - says the Institute of Media Monitoring (IMM). We are also listed among the most frequently quoted media.
According to IMM data, the portal in August 2019 was quoted by other media 636 times, which allowed us to once again take the place on the podium in the ranking of the most opinion-forming Internet portals. Invariably, the first place was taken by portals with many related thematic services - (6563) - this is, among others, the aftermath of the disclosure of the so-called „hate mail scandal” by the portal - and Wirtualna Polska (2289). Behind were (423) and Wirtualne Media (420).
Our portal was also ranked among the most quoted media (press, television, radio and Internet portals) in August 2019. We were ranked 13th. No other conservative service was ahead of us!
Thank you for being with us! We encourage you to stay up to date with the portal
Tłum. K.J.
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