President of the United States Donald Trump announced that he would visit Poland.
I can’t wait to visit it
— he told the journalists in front of the White House several days ago, adding that both countries have great relations.
We have very good relations with Poland
— said Donald Trump.
The President informed that the Polish side had issued an invitation for him.
I am looking forward to the visit. I like this nation
— said the American President.
He recalled that during his previous visit to Poland in 2017, he gave a speech that was considered „wonderful”.
I think that Poles are wonderful people
— he emphasized. Trump has not ruled out the possibility of visiting Denmark as well.
Earlier on Tuesday, the head of the Polish President’s cabinet, Krzysztof Szczerski, informed that Trump will visit Poland from 31 August to 2 September and that on 1 September he will take part in the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II.
President Andrzej Duda said on 12 June in Washington DC that Donald Trump was invited to Poland to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II.
And it looks as though he is doing his best to participate in these celebrations
— said Duda.
Donald Trump’s previous visit to Poland took place in July 2017. Trump took part in the Three Seas Summit in Warsaw and met with President Andrzej Duda in person.
Tłum. K.J.
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