The benchmark of our actions is a strong Polish state: sympathetic and helpful towards the weak, and firm and merciless towards criminals
— said the Head of Government during the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the State Police Day.
During his speech, Mateusz Morawiecki quoted the words of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, who said that:
Strength without justice is tyranny, and justice and freedom without strength is just childishness and talking.
As the Prime Minister pointed out, these words are the motto of the government in its actions.
The Prime Minister thanked all female and male Police officers for their generous service.
Thank you for your great dedication and for all that you do every day. I am grateful that every day, when you go to work, you have to be aware of risking your life
— pointed out the Prime Minister.
Mateusz Morawiecki recalled that according to surveys, 98% of our citizens feel safe where they live.
During the celebrations which took place in Józef Piłsudski Square in Warsaw, also the ceremony of general nomination awards and oath ceremony of police officers of the Police Prevention Unit in Warsaw, as well as the promotion of the graduates of Higher Police School in Szczytno for first rank officers. Also five laureates of the „Police officer who helped me” competition were awarded.
Source: KPRM
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