Even such a large and popular in Poland corporation as IKEA cannot treat Poland as its manor and make attempts to formulate a new man
— said Joachim Brudziński (Polish MEP, Law and Justice) on Radio Maryja.
The former head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration commented on the dismissal of an IKEA employee who opposed the promotion of the LGBT movement.
The most amazing thing is that today’s IKEA authorities - a company established by a person accused of exceptional anti-Semitism and even sympathy for Nazi German Nazis - want to force employees to adopt attitudes affirming or supporting LGBT environments. Unfortunately, this is often extremely dangerous
— said Brudziński.
Even such a large and popular in Poland corporation as IKEA cannot treat Poland as its manor and make attempts to formulate a new man
— assured the member of the European Parliament of Law and Justice.
Brudziński also said that Poland would not agree to interfere in its internal legal system and to impose foreign values.
We said, just as Viktor Orban did in Hungary, hands off the legal system, the system of values in force in Poland. It does not matter whether he is called Soros or whether he supplies enormous resources to media institutions of all kinds, as the Soros Foundation supports Gazeta Wyborcza, for example. Here is the answer to the question why Law and Justice is so brutally attacked and why Catholic media and national media such as TV Trwam and Radio Maryja are subjected to such brutal attacks. It is precisely because they are breaking out of this trend, which for me personally, is the nonsense of political correctness
— he said.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/453306-brudzinski-ikea-cannot-treat-poland-like-its-own-manor