Piotr Misiło, a member of the „liberal” MP club Platforma Obywatelska-Nowoczesna, scandalously announced on Twitter that if he has any influence on TVP after the elections, he will carry out purges there.
Pray @SamPereira_ and the propaganda company of @TVP so that after the elections I will not have any influence on @TVP because if this happens, you will all be out on your ears with a disciplinarian and some of you probably also with lawsuits for acting to the detriment of the company
— it was written on Twitter by Piotr Misiło.
As he was made aware, illegal pressure on the media is a crime in Poland. But the reaction was further threats.
Public television arouses great reluctance among liberal-left politicians, because it is the only large station that does not fiercely attack the rule of Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s camp.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/453223-a-politician-from-the-european-camp-threatens-journalists