Monday’s edition of the tabloid Fakt, founded by the Germans for Poles, will be kept in the archives. It is one of the evidence of how disturbing the activities of the media conducted by foreign capital are - and this is the overwhelming majority of the market in Poland today.
„Government in space, and we in the People’s Republic of Poland”
— …thunders „Fact.
And it makes a completely insane attack on the fact that the Second Forum, the Development Vision in Gdynia is not lacking in vision - it is about space, artificial intelligence, big investments and lofty ideas.
However, as the editors prove, in many places in Poland the roads are weak, the railway network is too rare, and the stations leave much to be desired.
This is true, of course, but it is also difficult to accuse this government that it does not face these challenges. But it is not the weak roads that are at stake here, but the consistent ridiculing by the media founded by the Germans for Poles of all the attempts to conduct a more ambitious policy. Almost every attempt to take up the development challenge - and space, nuclear, digital and artificial intelligence (AI) works are a part of the development of any modern economy - meets with scoffing on this side. Fakt does this very consistently.
One can get the impression that we are supposed to be only a resource of cheap labour and a source of demographic flows. Which would explain the German admiration for the Tusk governments, which had such priorities.
Do they know in „Fakt” that just yesterday the European Forum for Science, Research and Innovation in Dresden started with a bang, where not only these, but also much more ambitious issues are discussed? That there is a future for such issues? We think they know very well. So is the fact that German business organisations are investing heavily in space-digital areas.
Is it only Germany that is allowed to develop?
Tłum. K.J.
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