This is a lie!
— Law and Justice MP Anita Czerwińska is reacting to the false information of MEP Elżbieta Łukacijewska that the Polish brand Zelmer will disappear under the rule of Law and Justice.
In March 2013, BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o., a Polish company belonging to the German corporation BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, became the majority shareholder of Zelmer S.A.
This is a lie! Elżbieta Łukacijewska has been in PO since 2001. Zelmer was sold in 2013. Today she pretends to shed tears over Zelmer and accuses Law and Justice that the Polish brand is disappearing. We mustn’t let them lie!
— writes Anita Czerwińska, Law and Justice MP.
The MEP of the PO manipulated her entry, claiming that under the rule of the Law and Justice party the well-known Polish brand would disappear. Could she possibly not know that Zelmer has been owned by the Germans since 2013? Let us remind you that in 2013 Poland was ruled by PO and PSL and Mrs. Łukacijewska was then a member of PO and an MEP.
„Zelmer will no longer produce small household appliances such as vacuum cleaners, kitchen robots and electric kettles, the production of which it has been famous for years. Does it mean that under the government, which speaks so eagerly of „repolonization”, a well-known Polish brand will disappear?
— says Elżbieta Łukacijewska, MEP and the Civic Platform member, elected from the list of European Coalition.
The lie of the PO politician was not only noticed by the Law and Justice MP. The Internet users react to Elżbieta Łukacijewska’s entry in the same way. Thanks to the PO and Łukacijewska, Zelmer was privatized under the government of PO, six years ago!
— wrote Tomi-Globi.
Good Tusk’s School
— made fun of the Member of the European Parliament, Mr. Emergency Lane.
Okay, okay, okay. But don’t you see that this woman is a liar. She is exactly from this environment. Did she turn a hair when her buddies were selling Zelmer to Bosh? After all, it was predictable that they would wait a few years and delete the brand which is a competition for them
— he added.
It was sold to the Germans in 2013 by PO
— reminded Anna Stelm.
Tłum. K.J.
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