Grzegorz Schetyna, the leader of left and liberal European Coalition, tries to enchant reality:
This is not a defeat. Consolidation of the opposition can stop the PiS madness. This isn’t a disaster. (…)It is better to win than to lose. There is a question about the size of the defeat
— he said after the losing the European election.
Grzegorz Schetyna was trying to sound convincing in an interview with Konrad Piasecki on TVN24. The leader of the Civic Platform assured that the European Coalition did everything to win the EP election.
We did everything in our power. (…) We have to draw conclusions
— he assured.
We did not manage to mobilise the whole electorate as the Law and Justice party did
— he marked.
The leader of PO was trying to locate the reasons for the victory of PiS in “money distribution”.
What Jarosław Kaczyński did was to distribute money; it is a new quality. Nobody has done it before
— he said.
We need to correct the course; we need more mobilization. Consolidation of the opposition can stop the PiS madness
— explained Schetyna.
Tłum. K.J.
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