The appearance of former ambassadors is bizarre and unprecedented in diplomacy. They attack the government, the prime minister for standing up for a Polish ambassador attacked by a bandit in Tel Aviv
— said Joachim Brudziński, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, on Polish Radio.
Reminder: According to former (Polish) ambassadors linked to the current opposition, the fact that the incident in Tel Aviv where the Polish ambassador had been attacked was made public and commented on by the highest officials in the country testifies that the ruling political circles decided to play the „Jewish card” just before the upcoming elections.
We had such ambassadors in the past. They adopted the attitude of the late Władysław Bartoszewski - they were fawning over the greats of this world; they behaved as if they represented an ugly maiden without a dowry, and not a proud, European country - Poland. (…) For the last few years, „butler diplomacy” was carried out. But this, thank God, is going down in history
— -recalled the minister.
The question of Polish-Israeli relations was discussed during the conversation. Brudziński stressed that Poland will not accept indiscriminately false accusations against its own people.
Israeli politicians should care about good relations with Poland. Poland will not stand idly by and accept further untrue words from Israeli politicians
— assured the minister.
Some politicians in Israel hope that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland will be scared of the [false] allegation of anti-Semitism. It is naive to believe that Poland will pay compensation for the Nazi crimes. As long as the Law and Justice party is in power, not a single zloty will flow (…)
— he emphasized.
The Minister reminded that during the Second World War the state of Israel was not on the map.
The State of Israel was not on the map at that time. And it was also created thanks to the fact that the soldiers of General W. Anders stayed in Palestine
— he pointed out.
Brudziński stressed that the vote for the Confederation (new far-right alliance) is a lost vote.
Every vote cast in favour of the people of Korwin, Winnicki, Braun will be wasted. This is support for the Civic Platform (PO). They will be delighted about it in Moscow, in Israel - wherever Poland is badly wished for
— said Brudziński.
Tłum. K.J.
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