wPolityce.pl have asked Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, about Tusk’s participation in the opposition march in Warsaw.
Does it comply with the principle of neutrality?
— this is the most important question.
Here you may read the full letter:
Dear Mr. President,
on the 18th of may EU Council President and Poland’s former prime minister Donald Tusk led the „Poland in Europe” march organised by a block of opposition parties through the downtown of Warsaw.
Tusk urged people to vote for pro-EU parties, and therefore for the polish opposition, saying that it would be a vote for a “free, democratic, Poland without fear, without constraint, without contempt for others.” He also heavily criticised the ruling Law and Justice party.
The role of the President of the European Council is set out in article 15 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU), as essentially an arbiter, „helping to facilitate cohesion and consensus within the European Council”.
The Code of Conduct for the President of the European Council explicitely states that his duties as President must prevail over party commitment and requires that he acts in a manner in keeping with the dignity and the duties of his office and in the „sole interest” of the Union, both during and after his term of office.
This implies neutrality on the part of the European Council president. Therefore i would like to know:
— Was the participation of Donald Tusk in the opposition march in Warsaw and his appeals to vote for the polish opposition in keeping with the rule of neutrality pertaining to the office of European Council President? Or with the ethical rules governing the EU’s institutions?
— If not, why was there no reaction form the European Commission? From you as European Commission president?
— Does the participation of Donald Tusk in the opposition march in Warsaw and the lack of reaction to it in Brussels mean, that now we will have - instead of neutral, politically engaged European Council presidents - putting party politics above EU interests and pushing a certain political agenda?
I would be grateful for a quick answer to my questions.
Kind regards
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/447562-does-it-comply-with-the-principle-of-neutrality