On 3 May, the main release of the German TV news service ARD broadcast a nearly two-minute report on the situation of the media in Poland. TVP Info was criticized for broadcasting the parade in Warsaw instead of Donald Tusk’s speech. The President of the Polish Television, Jacek Kurski, responded to this attack.
ARD attacks TVP for broadcasting on the day of National and Church Celebration the parade instead of Donald Tusk’s show in which he compared the Cross to a baton, the Church to pigs and Hungary to an anus
- Kurski wrote on Twitter.
We are Polish Television and we have Polish duties, we are proud of Poland and Polishness is a norm for us
— he added.
The question is whether we’ll see a retort from German journalists. Or maybe it won’t be necessary? After all, some politicians - apparently from Poland, can do the work for them.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/445650-kurski-responds-to-the-germans-we-are-polish-television