By the decision of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland refused entry of the Russian sailing ship „Siedov” into the territorial waters of our country - said Ewa Suwara, the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to PAP on Friday last week.
The Prime Minister’s decision is a negative one
— said Suwara to PAP, referring to the case of the Russian sailing ship. At present, as she added, the decision is being implemented by the captain of the Border Guard in Gdynia.
We believe that allowing a sailing ship to enter the territorial waters of Poland would be at odds with the policy of respecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and not accepting the annexation of the Crimea
— explained the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Diplomacy.
According to the information provided on Thursday by the TASS agency, the school sailing ship „Sedov” had not been allowed by the Estonian authorities into the territorial waters of that country and took a course to the port of Gdynia.
The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that, according to the data available to them, on board of the ship there are students from the Kerch State Maritime University of Technology in the occupied Crimea.
Estonia does not recognise the illegal annexation of the Crimea and, in our opinion, granting permission for the school ship would be at odds with the policy of not recognising the annexation of the Crimea
— wrote the ministry in a comment quoted by the portal of the Estonian information broadcaster ERR.
As the portal noted, the entry of „Sedov” into Estonian territorial waters had been planned for 13-14 April, a few days before the visit of the Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid to Moscow. Information about not issuing a permit appeared on Wednesday. The Russian Embassy in Tallinn described this decision of the Estonian authorities as a „hostile act”.
Tłum. K.J.
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