The LGBT Plus Declaration signed by the President of the capital is in breach with the constitutional right of parents to bring up their children in accordance with their own convictions and the educational law in force
— wrote the bishops of Warsaw.
Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw and Bishop Romuald Kamiński, Bishop of Warsaw-Prague, published on Friday a common position on the declaration concerning urban policy towards homosexual, bisexual and transvestites (LGBT). The declaration provides, among other things, for the introduction of sex education in schools and kindergartens.
The standards and guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), which, as it is stated in the „Declaration”, underlie the „anti-discrimination and sexual education in every school” presented there, are of great concern. The absence of any mention of the role of parents in this document (….) may mean that the +Declaration+ is in breach of the constitutional right of parents to bring up their children in accordance with their own convictions and with the educational law in force
— was written by bishops.
The Hierarchs supported actions aimed at ensuring that it was the parents who had a decisive influence on the shaping of their children.
Christian anthropology cannot accept many aspects, actions and demands present in LGBT ideology, including those related to the promotion of the vision of human sexuality, the family and its role in society, or marriag
— they announced.
According to WHO standards, children in age groups 0-4 and 4-6 years of age would receive, among others, information on „joy and pleasure from touching one’s own body, masturbation in early childhood”.
It also provides for ‘discovering one’s own body and one’s own genital organs’ and ‘expressing one’s own needs, wishes and boundaries, for example in the context of playing doctor’. The curriculum for a group of 6-9 years would include ‘sex in the media’ as well as ‘satisfaction and pleasure in touching one’s own body’. For the group of 9-12 years - „first sexual experiences”.
Tłum. K.J.
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