Mark Dekan, a well-known defender of free speech and journalistic freedoms, has achieved his goal. The District Court in Warsaw overturned the Regional Court’s decision to discontinue the case of 212 Penal Code against me. The case returns to the Regional Court, and I am again accused under the disgraceful Article 212, which is to muzzle the press
— was written on Twitter by Wojciech Biedroń, a journalist from „Sieci”.
The case concerns the article „Masks have fallen!”, in which Wojciech Biedroń wrote about a letter from the president of Ringier Axel Springer AG and Onet-RASP Group Marek Dekan, which included an instruction to journalists of „Fakt”, „Newsweek” and „Onet” portal.
This is another case in which our journalist may be punished pursuant to Article 212 of the Penal Code for the fact that he dared to write a text unfavourable towards an influential person. In a dispute with judge Wojciech Łączewski, he was sentenced to a fine only because he was not subject to disciplinary proceedings, but to an investigation.
Tłum. K.J.
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