I do not even want to comment on such racist and scandalous statements. That is a racist and defamatory statement. The Polish Underground fought against collaborators
— commented Eli Bartlomiej Zolkos from Jewish Defence League on the scandalous words of Minister Katz, head of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
One cannot say that the Polish state collaborated with Germany. It is not true that Polish anti-Semitism comes with mother’s milk. That is certainly proved by contemporary Poland. Poland is the country with the lowest record of anti-Semitic acts in Europe
— said Zolkos.
I was deeply shocked. How was it possible to allow a situation in which Poland could not have acted differently than it actually did?
— he added.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/434628-this-is-a-racist-and-defamatory-statement