Dear Georgette Mosbacher,
Thanks for your letter of October 12-th and for confirming that you received Feast of Fools. I’m glad that you’re perceived as an ambassador of the agenda presented by President Donald Trump in July 2017 in Warsaw. At the same time I understand my friends in Poland who treat TVN very much like the supporters of Donald Trump treat NBC or CNN.
It is important for me personally, as a former political refugee, writer and previous correspondent of the Voice of America. Post-communism and post-communists are a phenomenon still not properly understood by those who treat Poland as if communism and its consequences had never occurred. Many years ago I participated in debates at the White House with people from Ronald Reagan’s administration like Pat Buchanan, John Lenczowski, secretary of the president and friend of Eglė Linas Kojelis, Paula Dobriansky and others. The topic of those debates was sanctions against at-the-time communist Poland. Now after more than 30 years the political landscape is different.
We have free Poland and the United States is a powerful ally confirmed by the presence of GI’s on Polish soil. It is a satisfaction after 123 years of being partitioned, not even mentioning World War II that , as a child of participants in the Warsaw uprising 0f 1944, I carry in my genes. I was thrilled when in the beginning of your ambassadorship in Poland you visited the Museum of the Uprising that from my perspective was our common homage to one of the most important events in Polish history.
I’m convinced that present misunderstandings won’t have any impact on your mission as you follow the spiritual guidance of the founder of American cavalry - you surely remember Pulaski Street in our beloved Chicago - to together shape our civilization against such political giants as Russia and Germany, as your acquaintance and president Donald Trump properly diagnosed in Warsaw.
Soon you can expect the autobiography of my wife Eglė who, like you grew up in Indiana, then attended the University of Chicago and spent 20 years as a correspondent of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty and New York and Munich.
Sincerely yours,
Henryk Skwarczyński
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